CS371p Fall 2021: Shikhar Gupta

Shikhar Gupta
2 min readOct 25, 2021

Week of 10/24

What did you do this past week?

This past week, I was able to catch up with most of my schoolwork and lectures and get (mostly) back on track. However, I am still behind on the project, so I’ll need to make sure I get on that.

What’s in your way?

I got a slight cold, so I’ve been trying to take care of myself while also managing my schoolwork which has been a little tough. I hope that will clear up and I will be able to relax soon.

What will you do next week?

I’ll finish up the project tomorrow and turn that in, and that I will also be probably finishing up my recruiting cycle next week, so that is something I am looking forward to!

If you read it, what did you think of the Paper #8: Interface Segregation Principle?

I enjoyed the paper and I really do like how all of these Object Oriented Design papers sort of fit together and how they are forming kind of a story about how a well designed software stack should be designed according to the principles. This paper in particular introduced some common problems with OOD that I don’t usually think about, since in most classes I take the dependency structure is always pretty well defined already, but in enterprise level code I can imagine there’s a lot more leeway and room for error when it comes to the structure of what depends on what. I imagine I’ll get more experience with that when I go into an industry role.

What was your experience of algorithms and iterators? (this question will vary, week to week)

I had some experience with iterators from SWE, so I was already familiar with the concepts, but it was interesting to learn about the different types and different requirements for the iterators, and I didn’t know such a thing existed for C++.

What made you happy this week?

I finally caught up on all of the lectures I was behind in, and thus was able to go in person to some classes which was nice!

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My tip of the week is to try to get out more and study in places other than the confines of your home or apartment, time and health permitting. Sometimes it can get really dull and unproductive when cooped up in the same place for so long, so try to change it up every now and then and you’ll see your productivity really start to shoot up!

