CS371p Fall 2021: Shikhar Gupta

Shikhar Gupta
2 min readOct 18, 2021

Week of 10/17

What did you do this past week?

In this past week, I had an interview, an exam, and some assignments due. I also had a dance competition this weekend which kept me fairly busy. Unfortunately, I also had to miss some of the OOP lectures due to this.

What’s in your way?

The lack of time I’ve had this week led to me missing some lectures and info about the project, but now I should hopefully have some more time to get caught up again. I also don’t have a partner yet for the project due to this, so I will try to get on that.

What will you do next week?

I will find a partner for the project, get started on the project, and also catch up on all the lectures I missed this week. I have actually worked on a similar project for creating a heap both in my Computer Architecture and Operating systems classes, so I’m hoping I can use the design concepts I learned in those classes for this project.

If you read it, what did you think of the Paper #8: Liskov Substitution Principle?

I enjoyed reading the article, and this principle is something that seems simple and easy to implement in theory, but that requires real thought and consideration prior to creating an object oriented design. I also like that the paper goes in tandem with the papers about the other principles we have learned about.

What was your experience of arrays and allocator? (this question will vary, week to week)

I enjoyed learning about the allocator this week, as the memory initialization and allocation quirk of C++ with arrays is actually something I have noticed in the past and that confused me as to why the allocation and initialization processes are not more efficient. The allocator is a nice tool to use and I look forward to working on it.

What made you happy this week?

This weekend, we actually placed 1st at our dance competition which was really exciting, considering we had spent a lot of hours working on our performance.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My pick of the week is Teal. This is a job tracker I used while I was recruiting for internships, and it’s a chrome extension/website in which you can add jobs to track your progress. The coolest feature is that you can paste in a job description and the tool will parse the description and list out all the hard and soft skills from the description that you can then include in a resume or cover letter to pass the ATS that most companies will use.

