CS371p Fall 2021: Shikhar Gupta

Shikhar Gupta
3 min readSep 26, 2021


Week of 9/26

What did you do this past week?

This past week, I was mostly preparing for interviews and trying to catch up on schoolwork and lectures for my classes. I unfortunately got very behind due to a hackathon I had the past weekend, but I was able to get somewhat back on track. In terms of this class, I found a partner for the Voting project and we created a GitLab repo.

What’s in your way?

I’ve still been busy with recruiting and an ever-increasing load of lecture recordings to watch, so time management is still a bit of an issue for me, but the load is becoming more and more manageable so I think I should be okay. Other than this, not too much is in my way.

What will you do next week?

My partner and I will hopefully complete the implementation of the algorithm and pass the HackerRank tests for the project. We will also work on integrating with GitLab, and my aim is to finish up the project by the end of next weekend. I will also hopefully catch up completely on lectures and schoolwork for my other classes.

If you read it, what did you think of the Paper #5: Pair Programming?

This was a paper I also read last semester in Software Engineering, but the paper was a nice refresher on what it means to participate in pair programming and how to truly be successful in the endeavor. I’ll make sure to follow the tips and methods for success that the article mentions, and I’ll also try to avoid the pitfalls mentioned in the paper as well. Pair programming is a great technique and it definitely increases confidence in the quality of code written.

What was your experience of vector, list, and deque, and invalidation? (this question will vary, week to week)

I’m a big fan of the vector, list, and deque classes, and though I’ve had some experience with C and C++ in the past, mostly it’s been limited to the basic data structures like arrays and pointers, never higher level data structures, so this gives me some comfort in the sense that I can use some level of abstraction while building these more complicated algorithms. I had never encountered invalidation and actually wasn’t aware of it before, so it was good to learn about that lest I run into it while writing code for the project.

What made you happy this week?

This week, I got my first internship offer which was a huge relief for me. I also got to go into the robotics lab in which I do research and meet some of the people I had been working with virtually in person for the first time, so that was also a nice experince.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My pick of the week is the Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi is a small, fully featured computer the size of the palm of a hand which runs a very basic version of Linux but is very versatile and can be used for a variety of different hardware or software projects. I personally used one to create a “Magic Mirror”, so I would definitely recommend anyone to try it out!

